Dar-Alarqam Madrasa: Mission Statement
Our Madrasa represents a long-awaited dream. It is a project that aims at fulfilling the wonderful target of building a true Muslim character for our kids. The main mission is nurturing and educating our children tarbiya (تربية) rather than just teaching them. The objective is to build a solid faith (Iman) in our young children’s hearts that will tremendously drive their interests towards the love of Allah, love of his messengers, love of our great religion and the love of the language of Quran. This project aims to fill a real gap in our life. Some families complain that their children do not pray and do not like to memorise the Quran; this is simply because their hearts are not trained on the true principles and fundamentals of faith. Some of our children do not know where Allah is. Some others do not know Allah and his names or attributes. So, the question is: How could we ask our children to love Allah while they do not know him? The same goes for our Messenger PBUH and Quran and everything in this religion.
As it was narrated in the Sahih Hadith that Jundub bin ‘Abdullah said: “We were with the Prophet (ﷺ), and we were young, so we learned faith before we learned Qur’an. Then we learned Qur’an and our faith increased thereby.”
In the light of this Hadith, we plan our methodology in our Madrasa. We start with ‘where’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ then the ‘what’ naturally comes. Where is Allah, why should we worship him and how to perform our worship and finally what should we do for his sake. These steps are the same steps that the prophet Muhammad PBUH taught the children of his companions as we see in the Hadith of Jundub. The Prophet PBUH never started with Quran memorisation but with teaching them Faith then Quran.
For the sake of achieving the best benefit of this project, we highly urge all parents to follow up with their children, encourage and praise them all the time. For this part we will share with you a monthly topics table that covers all the topics that will be discussed in each month.
This great project will be led and monitored by Imam Sofian Abdeldayem who graduated from Azhar University in Cairo and is a doctoral researcher at Heriot-Watt university in languages and translations. Imam Sofian is a Competent Hafidh of the Holy Quran with an authenticated Narration chain (Ijaza and Sanad) by which he is qualified to teach the Quran in different narrations. Our Imam has also a long experience in teaching Quran and Tajweed as well as dealing with young kids.
A female sister (the imam’s wife) will be assisting with the girls’ class. She is also a competent Hafidh of the Holy Quran with an authenticated Narration chain (Ijaza and Sanad) by which she is qualified to teach the Quran in different narrations. She has qualifications in Quran and Islamic studies, and she is also experienced in teaching Quran and Tajweed as well as parenting skills.
Apply to be on the waiting list here: https://forms.gle/4pUKS1QQnM5LxEV77
Jazakom Allah Khairan