Dear Brothers and Sisters
Assalamualaikum wa rahmat ullah
We are pleased to inform you that Dar Al-Arqam Mosque and Community Centre in Edinburgh is now run by the Amal Charity of Edinburgh.
Under the new administration, we aspire to provide valuable services to the Muslim community.
To achieve this goal, we wish everyone to kindly co-operate with us in all possible ways. As the center is not supported by any official bodies or other commercial activities, its operating budget is sourced solely from the donations of the kind worshippers which is barely enough to cover the salaries for the employees’ and other bills including electricity, gas, telecommunication and other services.
We would like everyone to get involved in earning rewards and blessings by donating to cover the expenses.
AMAL is a registered charity under the Associations Act of Scotland No:- SC042065.
For Donations:
Account Name: AMAL
Bank of Scotland
Sort-Code: 80-11-94
Account: 06002941
You can make a direct-debit using the above bank details.
We ask God to accept the good deeds of everyone and to make it a means of reward in the hereafter.
Your brothers in the Amal Charity.